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Environment and Climate Change Policy
The 1st Taunton, Wilton Scout Group recognise the significant environmental challenges facing our world and this policy sets out our response. Through the environment badge we have always addressed issues such recycling and our impact on the environment, however this policy aims to broaden that to fully encompass the climate change crisis and also to ensure that we improve all aspects of scouting to tackle these issues so that we are leading by example.
Our Policy is to:
Embed the environment and Climate Change into our programme. Embed into our activities with the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. Include age appropriate activities within our programmes to inform them of the environmental issues and how to address these in daily life – This will be incorporated into at least one evening every year.
Reduce the Direct Carbon and Environmental Impact of Scouting. Minimise our environmental impact of scouting in all activities including camps. This will include the implementation a range of actions to minimise the number the number car trips associated with scouting activities, reduce the climate impact of foods and equipment purchased, minimise energy consumption, maximise recycling and reduce the use of single use plastics.
Have a wider impact on reducing carbon in the community. Rapid and substantial behavioural change is essential if we are to have a chance of minimising the negative impacts of climate change. We cannot assume that we can keep living our lives the way we are and that others will solve the climate crisis. We will seek to raise climate change awareness and encourage behavioural change in the wider community through our activities in Scouting.
Embed environment and climate change into our programme.
Work with the leaders of each section to identify suitable activities and embed them into the programme.
Educate all sections on what climate change is and potentially include in the work in the community badge.
AGM presentation- 5 minutes long to the parents to set out this policy and show what the group is planning to achieve and how they can help.
Reduce the direct carbon and environmental impact of Scouting by:
Carbon Reduction:
Bike racks for secure cycle parking outside the scout hut to reduce car usage – need to cost and then explore with leaders. Approval will be needed from the church. May also need to consider lighting.
Increase car sharing - possible WhatsApp group chat for parents so they can share lifts to reduce the use of cars.
Work with those developing camp menus to develop a lower carbon menu. Also consider for evenings which involve cooking.
Reducing Plastic:
T-shirts for camps use up a lot of cotton and plastic so we could find somewhere local to reduce the carbon footprint and make sure it is sustainably sourced.
Consider need when purchasing single use plastics.
Recycling / Composting:
Paper usage – make sure it has been sustainably harvested. E.g. FSC forestry stewardship council.
Composting - possibly adding a compost bin around the back on the scout hut however this may attract unwanted rodents – will consider alternatives.
Recycling food and paper- this should occur at every meeting and when on camps, could obtain bins from the local council and store in the scout hut.
Have a wider impact on reducing carbon in the community:
Make a leaflet to hand out to the parents to explain climate change is and actions that can be taken. Could be a second side to setting out the final policy.
Investigate ideas as to potential activities / actions that could be undertaken to reach out into the community.